Sunday, May 23, 2010

3 Months and counting!!!

Hey yall!!! So im like a week late but better late than never right? lol My loc babies made 3months on may 20th!!! Yay! not that exciting same old same old...not much has chnaged from month 2 and now. i guess a little more length. Im trying not to retwist as much..(going on a month as we speak) Im also very fond of wearing headbands but I think I need to lay off of that as well becuase I heard it can thin my hair out and we dont want that. Also the lint bunnies are tryna attack my babies so I think its bout time I try that ACV rinse out. Welp until next time blog world!!! By the way heres a pic!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Hey yall! Happy Thursday! So I had to blog about my day so far and well......I can say I'm BLESSED to have been able to see this day but it was on a rough start. For some reason I went to sleep in a rut, and woke up the same way! Grrrr! Then the lord said, "Calm down child!" lol I called Tmobile because my phone is a piece of crap ever since i dropped it and guess what? I got approved for a contract AND got a FREE phone! I like free! lol So my day started getting better, Then I started reading blogs and whatnot surfing the web for hair tips and found out that i have the dreaded "Hand in hair syndrome" Ugh! I am ALWAYS messing with my baby locs and from what i have read its not that good. Smh I need to buckle down and really get a grip on this disease! ha ha I'm sooooo serious though. I am also trying to get a hair regime situated for myself, I haven't found any products that im in LOVE with yet and I feel like I really need to because it will make me feel alot better about the health of my babies. Welp in done whinnin yall. Until next time! Someone plz call 911!!! (in my Wyclef voice lol)

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Hey yall! I almost forgot to do my LOCspiration for the month. Drum roll plz? lol LEDISI!!! Whoooo hoooo! For those of you who don't know she's a singer. you can check out her official website at But how can you NOT be in love with her hair? Great color and crazy funky style! Cant wait til I too can achieve this style. I like crazy hair do's and taking risks, it makes hair that much more exciting!

Before I decided to go natural this was my hairstyle.

Talk about risks! Toodles!

2 Months and Counting Continued....

Happy Sunday Bloogers! I just felt the need to blog this morning. So I'm adding on to my last post. So my locs are two months now and I gave some pictures before I did a retwist, so I'm just doing a quick post after my retwist so you can really start to see the progress. Every month and after every retwist I see so much growth and change in my hair and I LOVE IT! I'm really itching for some color tho but I know I need to wait. For this retwist I decided to try the thaila wajjid product again, (maybe the first time was a fluke lol) and they came out really good. The only problem I have had is that one of my babies in the back (and you see me holding one in the picture? that's the one I'm talking about) was filled with lint and it looked gross. I really tried to leave it alone but I just couldn't get over the fact that someone might be behind me looking at that dirty little loc so I picked the lint out until it was gone and retwisted it. Horrible I know, Help me out ppl what can I do to make sure this wont keep happening? Because now I watch my locs like a hawk being sure that the lint bunnies stop attacking my babies lol! Welp I'm done with my rambling. Hit me up with ya comments! Toodles!