Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Beauty Of a Redwood???

Some people when you ask to use words to describe themselves say things like...kind, outspoken, loyal etc... I'm convinced I'm from a different breed. When people ask me to describe myself in words I tell them it is impossible because there are so many words to describe me.If anything I will tell them out of all the words to use there is one that stands above the rest.. Redwood. For those of you who don't know, a Redwood is a tree. It is the strongest tree in the forrest standing about 10feet tall. These trees are indestructible.They can only self destruct. You see where I'm going with this?I can only self destruct! I will not allow another human being tear me down or ruin me. I have faith in god and I Fear no man but HIM! If you let the struggles of life determine your course or steer you from what is set in your heart you are self destructing because no one is holding anything back from you but YOU! Remember This when times get tuff, when life tries to take its daily tolls. That YOU are the determining factor and in the end It is all a test of FAITH! Be Strong and indestructible!


  1. [I wanted to start from the first blog lol]Amen girl! You better say that.. I am actually going to write a blog about how we view people, and how they view themselves.Also, how we view ourselves and how people view us.

    Nice first blog....
